15 Ways to Protect Your Business from a Cyberattack

Would you like to know 15 ways you can protect your business from a cyberattack?

According to The CyberEdge 2022 Cyberthreat Defense Report (CDR)*, more than 80% of UK organisations experienced a successful attack.

Can you really afford not to protect your business from a cyberattack?

Download our free checklist.

In our free checklist 15 Ways to Protect Your Business From a Cyberattack, we’ve not only listed the 15 ways, but explained them too!

·      Did you know that 1 in 5 small businesses will suffer a cyber breach this year?

·      That 81% of all breaches happen to small and medium-sized businesses?

·      Or that 97% of breaches could have easily been prevented?

Download our checklist now, and discover 15 ways to best secure your business from cyberattacks.

If you’d like to learn more about securing your business from cyber criminals, the Sweethaven team can help.

We’ve been looking after businesses for over 40 years and are aligned with the top cyber security solutions.



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